useR! 2024
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In Person
8 - 11 July, 2024
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The Sched app allows you to build your schedule but is not a substitute for your event registration. You must be registered for useR! 2024 to participate in the sessions. If you have not registered but would like to join us, please go to the event registration page to purchase a registration.

Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+02:00)To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down located at the bottom of the menu to the right.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Timing of sessions and room locations are subject to change.

The virtual program will take place on 2 July. Please see the virtual schedule page for more information.
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Monday, July 8

09:00 CEST

Tutorial: Introduction to Machine Learning for Survival Analysis with Mlr3 - John Zobolas, Institute for Cancer Research & Lukas Burk, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS and LMU Munich [Pre-Registration Required]
Monday July 8, 2024 09:00 - 12:30 CEST
This introductory tutorial is designed to equip participants with practical skills and knowledge for performing survival analysis using machine learning techniques. Survival analysis, a fundamental statistical method in biomedical and clinical research, focuses on analyzing time-to-event data, such as the time to disease progression or patient survival. In this tutorial, attendees will work with clinical and gene expression data to build, train, and test survival models. They will learn how to leverage R's mlr3 ecosystem for efficient model development, incorporating sophisticated machine learning models such as penalized linear models and random forests to enhance the accuracy of the survival predictions. Participants will also explore survival metrics and model validation techniques to assess the quality and reliability of their models in the context of real-world data. Whether you're new to survival analysis or seeking to enhance your skills, this workshop offers valuable insights and hands-on experience for tackling challenging clinical and biomedical questions.

Requirements for participating:
  • Bring a laptop with the latest version of R installed: https://www.r-project.org/ 
  • Install the following libraries after 1 July (to ensure you have the latest version):
  • Install some models that we will try:
    • glmnet (CRAN) [Required]
    • ranger (CRAN) [Optional]
    • CoxBoost (GitHub) [Optional] 
    • aorsf (GitHub) [Optional]

To add this tutorial to your registration, log in to your existing registration, click the Modify Registration button, and navigate to the Reg Options page (page 4). Select the tutorial you want to attend.
avatar for John Zobolas

John Zobolas

PhD, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital
My background is in computer science, with diverse expertise in computational modeling, software engineering, survival analysis and statistical/machine learning. Being an engineer at heart, my strongest quality is careful, analytical thinking. A productive workday consists of writing... Read More →
avatar for Lukas Burk

Lukas Burk

M.Sc., Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS and LMU Munich
Studied Public Health and Biostatistics before starting a PhD in Statistics and Machine Learning
Monday July 8, 2024 09:00 - 12:30 CEST

14:00 CEST

Tutorial: Getting Started with Quarto for Your Scientific Publications - Christophe Dervieux, POSIT PBC [Pre-Registration Required]
Monday July 8, 2024 14:00 - 17:30 CEST
Enhancing scientific publishing through Quarto is the workshop's focus, designed for those familiar with R Markdown and newcomers to Quarto. Quarto extends the foundational capabilities of R Markdown, introducing advanced features that elevate publishing projects. The tutorial navigates through Quarto's core functionalities, From converting R Markdown files to creating new Quarto content from scratch while exploiting Quarto's full spectrum for sophisticated, publication-ready outputs. Attendees will explore the broad range of Quarto's applications, including single-document formats, as well as more complex Quarto projects. The workshop provides hands-on experiences designed for interactive participation, enabling attendees to integrate Quarto's tools into known publishing workflows and learning to initiate new projects. At the end of the session, participants will have the skills needed to upgrade their current R Markdown workflows and start new projects with Quarto. This will enable them to create refined scientific publications that communicate research findings and results effectively.

To add this tutorial to your registration, log in to your existing registration, click the Modify Registration button, and navigate to the Reg Options page (page 4). Select the tutorial you want to attend.
avatar for Christophe Dervieux

Christophe Dervieux

Open Source Software Engineer, POSIT PBC
Christophe Dervieux is an Open Source Software Engineer at Posit PBC. He specializes in the R Markdown and Quarto ecosystems. With contributions to key R packages and co-authorship in the R Markdown Cookbook, Christophe brings a deep understanding of scientific publishing tools to... Read More →
Monday July 8, 2024 14:00 - 17:30 CEST
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